Friday, December 23, 2011


I just got a new bluetooth keyboard that I can now use with my iPod to make typing easier. Much easier than the pop up keyboard on the iPod. I'm hoping this will help me get more involved with my blogs. I'm planning on increasing the frequency of blogging. I'm just poking around with if I should just blog when it hits me or blog along a certain theme or subject. Since this is relatively a new adventure for me, I'm taking it one blog at a time right now. Still in the learning phases. I'm considering Ariana Huffington's book about how to get started blogging and keeping it up. Apparently she's done very well with blog's and the internet, so I figured the advice of an expert can't help.

So, please bear with me (if you're one of the few people that actually read my blogs) as I'm learning how to make this useful and interesting for all of us.

For now, have a great holiday!

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