Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New Post (Blog)

Well, it's 2012 and there's apparently a lot of things we have to think about and deal with this year. First, there's politics. Once again, our degenerative political system rears it's ugly head to show us stupidity all on a new level.

The first thing I think is funny/stupid about it is listening to all of the candidates, especially the Republicans this year. The Democrats will obviously stay behind Obama in a feeble at showing unity; but, the Republicans are where the fun will be this year. First, we get watch the now 8 candidates berate one another over the next few months. They'll throw mud at one another and point out one another's weakness, faults, sins, and whatever else they can dig up. All in the end to make a miraculous change of heart at the end when one of them finally slides out into the main spot. Then everyone will talk about how great that person is and we all should vote for him/her.

I just think that's hilarious. And it shows how our political system has slid down a long hill of slime into a 2 party system to where everyone is really out for themselves. (Let's forget about the Libertarians and any other new found party. We all know they don't stand a chance against the two power houses of the Dems and Repubs.)

It all leaves me standing confused in November really choosing from the lesser of two evils. People say get out there and vote. Make a difference. But do we really? Does the individual voter have a voice? Do they make a difference individually? I think not.

The way our political system has evolved it's all about the money. Who has the most money to get their name out to the masses, how great they are, what promises they never plan to do but they think people want to hear, and how terrible the other candidate really is. But let's face it. We all have sins. So, why point out the other guys so much? Do what you actually say you're going to do during your campaign when you get in office.

That brings up the second point. Regardless of who wins, Congress will work against them. Each member will vote according to what they can get out of it. Congress has become the ultimate Economic utopia on Earth. Economics has been twisted to mean money, but if you learn the true meaning of economics, it comes down to one thing: choices. And Congress uses, or dare I say plays, a dangerous game theory experiment to make choices to get what they ultimately want in the end.

If they need to get a bill, act, legislation, etc. passed, then they make deals with other members for their votes. They trade their choices based on what's more important to them. If you want to understand what I'm talking about watch the 60 minutes episode from a few weeks ago that demonstrated how members of Congress are getting rich from the insider information they get from lobyist and their rich "friends".

I appears to me that Congress no more has the people's best interest at heart than they do what type of toilet paper is in the bathrooms. The 60 minutes episode also talks about how many of them are meager business people yet leave Congress millionaires. And they have their own set of rules, retirement, and tax programs.

So, that leaves me with a conundrum come November. I'll definitely be watching the debates and primaries closely to see what my choices are, but I don't think anything major will happen in our Political system until something major happens like what happened to Wall Street and our financial system the past few years.

Of course, that seems to have come full circle and now we're back to cWall Street and businesses, especially large public companies, easing back to their old ways. Thus restarting the cycle.

But, if you believe in the Mayans and other predictors and soothsayers of the past, we don't have to worry about it come December. After all, that's the end of time.

All I can say is good luck this year America. I can only imagine the mess other countries are in since we are the greatest country on Earth and look at all of our problems. But do get out and vote, but PLEASE, make educated votes. Research the candidates. Do your homework and vote for the candidate you truly believe in to be the best. Don't be one of the stupidest voters I can think of and vote straight ticket down a party line. It may be one party, but it's made up of different people. And remember, they'll be in Washington making those choices and trades. Just make sure you hedge your bets that who you vote for will make the choices and trades you would.

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